Outlineでは、これから自分が何を話すのか簡単に説明します。This essay will discuss… .と続けていきます。以下、例文をいくつか紹介します。
Question: University is the final level of education for many people nowadays. What are the advantages and disadvantages of gaining a university qualification?
Answer: For many students, their dream is to enter university after graduating from high school. Indeed, more and more students are pursuing this path and, consequently, more and more universities are being built. However, a degree from university seems to have far more drawbacks than benefits. This essay will discuss two disadvantages of a qualification from university, namely expense and irrelevance, and one positive, being the benefits of a professional qualification.
問題: 最近、多くの人々にとって、大学は教育の最終関門となっています。大卒の資格を得ることの利点と欠点は何ですか。
解答: 多くの生徒にとって、高校卒業した後に大学に入ることは夢です。よって、より多くの生徒がその道を目指しており、その結果、より多くの大学が設立されている。しかしながら、学士は利益よりも不利益の方が多いと思われます。このエッセイでは、2つの欠点、すなわち資金面と不適切さ、そして、1つの利点である専門的な資格を得ることができることについて述べます。
This essay will discuss two advantages/disadvantages of TOPIC, namely IDEA① and IDEA②, and one positive/negative, being IDEA③.
Question: Recently, gay marriage has been debated around the world. Should gay marriage be legalised?
Answer: Nowadays, there are many kinds of families all over the world. Gay couples seem to be one of them. However, many countries do not recognize these couples as a family. This essay will discuss two supporting opinions of legalising gay marriage, namely family and discrimination, and one opposite idea, being crime.
問題: 最近、ゲイ同士の結婚が世界中で議論されています。ゲイ同士の結婚は合法化されるべきでしょうか。
解答: 近年、世界中で様々な種類の家族が存在しています。ゲイカップルもその1つでしょう。しかしながら、多くの国でこれらのカップルを家族として認めていません。このエッセイでは、ゲイカップルの合法化についての2つの肯定意見、すなわち家族と差別、そして1つの否定意見である犯罪について述べていきます。
This essay will discuss two supporting opinions/ideas of TOPIC, namely IDEA① and IDEA②, and one opposite idea/opinion, being IDEA③.
Body partの書き方
Body partは、Agree&Disagree問題でもDisagree問題でも、基本的に3パートに分かれます。内容はTOPICや書く人によって変わる可能性もありますが、パターンは以下の通りです。
| Body1 | Body2 | Body3 |
パターン1 | Agree① | Disagree① | Disagree② |
パターン2 | Agree① | Agree② | Disagree① |
Body1: The first problem with TOPIC(名詞、動名詞) is Agree①(名詞、動名詞).
Body2: Despite Agree①(名詞、動名詞), TOPIC(名詞、動名詞) is Disagree①(名詞、動名詞).
Body3: In addition to Disagree①(名詞、動名詞), TOPIC(名詞、動名詞) is Disagree②(名詞、動名詞).
Body1: The first problem with TOPIC(名詞、動名詞) is Agree①(名詞、動名詞).
Body2: In addition to Agree①(名詞、動名詞), TOPIC(名詞、動名詞) is Agree②(名詞、動名詞).
Body3: Despite Agree① and Agree②(名詞、動名詞), TOPIC(名詞、動名詞) is Disagree①(名詞、動名詞).
| Body1 | Body2 | Body3 |
パターン1 | Supporting Idea① | Opposite Idea① | Supporting Idea② |
パターン2 | Supporting Idea① | Supporting Idea② | Opposite Idea① |
Body1: The first problem with TOPIC(名詞、動名詞) is Supporting Idea①(名詞、動名詞).
Body2: Despite Supporting Idea①(名詞、動名詞), TOPIC(名詞、動名詞) is Opposite Idea①(名詞、動名詞).
Body3: In addition to Opposite Idea①(名詞、動名詞), TOPIC(名詞、動名詞) is Opposite Idea②(名詞、動名詞).
Body1: The first problem with TOPIC(名詞、動名詞) is Supporting Idea①(名詞、動名詞).
Body2: In addition to Supporting Idea①(名詞、動名詞), TOPIC(名詞、動名詞) is Supporting Idea②(名詞、動名詞).
Body3: Despite Supporting Idea① and Supporting Idea②(名詞、動名詞), TOPIC(名詞、動名詞) is Opposite Idea①(名詞、動名詞).
In addition to 以外にも使える表現を紹介しておきます。
Apart from
Along with
Although SV
Not withstanding the fact that SV
In spite of the fact that SV
Body1: The first, and perhaps biggest reason to recognize gay marriage is family. If gay marriage is legalised, gay couples are also recognized as a family. By recognizing family, they could sign many documents which recognize them as a family such as the consent form of operation and getting adoption.
Body2: In addition to the family, not recognizing gay marriage is discrimination. Recently, LGBT seems to have become accepted by some people. However, others are not accepting that and to do so may cause discrimination. Therefore, gay marriage has to be legalised to reduce discrimination.
Body3: Despite the family and discrimination, legalising gay marriage may cause crimes. It is highly likely that fake marriage may increase. For example, a person may get marriage as a gay couple to obtain the permanent residency.
本文1: まず、ゲイカップルの結婚を認める最も大きな理由は家族です。もし、ゲイカップルの結婚が法律化されれば、ゲイカップルも家族の一員として認められます。家族として認められると、手術の同意書や養子縁組など、彼らは多くの公的文書にサインすることができるでしょう。
本文2: 家族に加えて、ゲイカップルの結婚を認めないことは差別でしょう。近年、LGBTは何人かの人々に受け入れられつつあります。しかしながら、受け入れられない人もおり、それは差別を引き起こすかもしれません。それゆえ、ゲイカップルの結婚は差別を減らすためにも法律化されなければなりません。
本文3: 家族と差別にもかかわらず、ゲイカップルの結婚の法律化は犯罪を引き起こすかもしれません。偽装結婚が増えているように思います。たとえば、永住権を手に入れるためにゲイカップルとして結婚する人がいるかもしれません。
It is highly likely that… のような表現を使うと、that以下の文章をよりアカデミックな表現に変えることができます。
・It is highly likely that SV = There is a strong likelihood that SV
・It is possible that SV
・It seems that SV
・There is a tendency for S to V = S tend to V
・There is a perception by some that SV
・If SV, there is every chance that SV
・It is not uncommon that = It is not uncommon for S to V
・It could be argued that SV
・There is a widespread belief that SV
・Having said that, not every SV(そうは言いましたが、全てのSがVではない)
・Of course it is true that not every /all SV(もちろん、全てのSがVというのは真実ではない)
In conclusion/summary, Body③. However, Body②. Additionally, Body①. Therefore, SV. In the near future, SV.
In conclusion/summary, Body③. However, Body②. Additionally, Body①. Therefore, SV. To begin to tackle this situation society/individuals/ the government need to/should V.
例) In summary, legalising gay marriage may cause an increase in crimes. However, recognizing gay couples could lead to a decrease in discrimination. Additionally, by recognizing gay marriage, they can be legally recognized as a family. Thus, gay marriage should be legalised. In the near future, gay marriage is likely to increase more and more.
訳) 要約すると、ゲイカップルの結婚を法律化すると犯罪の増加を引き起こすかもしれません。しかしながら、ゲイカップルの結婚を認めることは差別の減少を導き、さらに家族として法的に認められることができます。それゆえ、ゲイカップルの結婚は法律化されるべきです。近い将来、ゲイカップルの結婚はもっと増えていくように思われます。